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7 Days Car Insurance Michigan

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7 Day Car Insurance in Michigan

Last Updated on September 29, 2024 by a2z_admin


As the yearly car insurance cost in Michigan is much higher than the national average yearly auto insurance cost. LA insurance started selling exclusive 7 day coverage for vehicles to resident drivers in the state. This helped them to get short term insurance for driving their cars legally on road and also gave them time to shop for cheaper annual car insurance policies. The 7 day auto insurance covers were applicable for just 7 days or one week and got automatically discontinued if they were not renewed. Nevertheless, 7 day auto insurance coverage turned out to be more expensive than a standard car insurance policy. But financially, it provided the convenience to Michigan drivers to get their cars insured instantly.

Most of the Michigan drivers preferred buying weekly car insurance to meet the vehicle registration requirements that are stipulated by the state’s DMV. However, once the 7 day auto insurance period ended, motorists did not renew the coverage that is required to drive car legally as per national law and let it lapse at the end of the week with little regards for even penalties. Thus, drivers in Michigan misused 7 day car insurance for the purpose of registration of their vehicles and not maintaining continuous coverage as is mandated by national law. This resulted in prohibition for selling auto insurance for as less as 7 days by LA Insurance.

Now that 7 day vehicle insurance policies is outlawed, LA Insurance sells 6 months auto insurance covers that work very much in the same way as erstwhile 7 day car insurance coverage. The only difference is that the coverage will altogether cease to exist after a time period of 13 days if a driver fails to pay premium. Learn more about low cost alternatives to 7 day auto insurance now!

Explore Other Low Cost Alternatives To 7 Day Car Insurance Policy Michigan

With 7 day insurance for cars being already outlawed, Michigan drivers need to look for some other cheaper options to insure their vehicles. Here are few low cost alternatives for auto insurance coverage that are available to drivers in Michigan.

  • Cheap 6 or 12 months car insurance coverage – Several companies including LA Insurance provide short-term vehicle covers for a period of 6 months. You can even look to buy yearly car coverage and save money by paying the entire annual premium amount in full at one go. Most of the insurers may offer you a special discount on your Michigan auto insurance premium. Most of the Insurers may even extend favourable monthly premium payment schedules that are easy to manage as well as sustain all along the term of the car coverage.

    In the meanwhile, you can start looking for insurers that can provide you better auto insurance rates. This way you will have the option to switch over to a new insurer midway through the policy by making sure that you are current on the monthly instalments. And qualification for various premium discounts can help you in saving more.

  • Consider buying a usage based car insurance policy – You have the chance to qualify for the lowest car insurance rates regardless of the status of your age, gender, driving record and credit history if you opt for a usage based car cover. You will be charged only for the number of miles that you will drive and in such car policies, there is an in-built feature which permits the driver to pause or cancel the coverage if he/she is not going to drive the vehicle after some time. A “Black Box” and Pay-Per-Mile insurance policy is a classic example of usage based vehicle insurance.
  • Buy state prescribed minimum liability insurance – If your budget poses a problem for you to get full coverage auto insurance then you can always think of purchasing minimum liability insurance for third party bodily injuries and property damages as is mandated by your state. A basic liability only car insurance cover required by your state is the cheapest option. In Michigan, the minimum liability insurance coverage requirements are 50/100/10 and the policy will cost around $950 per year on an average.

However, minimum liability insurance may not have sufficient coverage limits to protect your finances in the event of an at-fault accident. So, it is recommended that you buy coverage with higher limits.

Why You Need To Buy Short Term Or 7 Day No Fault Insurance Michigan?

If you drive a car without carrying valid insurance coverage in Michigan, you may have to pay hefty fine in the range of $200 to $500, if caught by the DMV’s traffic inspector. And on repeat of such an offense, you might be even required to face additional penalty as well as a jail term. Besides, if your car is uninsured and it meets with an accident on road, the financial consequences will be far more serious.

You will have to spend money on your own for treatment of bodily injuries caused to third party victims as well as damages caused to some other person’s property including car(s). Add to that, the costs of getting your vehicle repaired or some parts requiring replacement, treatment of bodily injuries caused to you or some other car driver and fellow passengers inside the car at the time of an accident. It can ensure collateral damage to your finances.

The probability of meeting with an accident on road is always there despite your being a cautious driver and if that happens and you are at-fault, the situation will turn disastrous. So, it is desirable to at least have some sort of protection which even a short-term auto insurance policy of 6 months can offer. It will give you some time to shop for the right type and extent of yearly coverage for your car at an affordable price. Learn more about your Michigan auto insurance options today! atozinsurances.com can help you with the task online!

Know The Consequences Of A Lapse In Seven Day Car Insurance Michigan

As per the national law, drivers across the entire United States are required to have valid insurance coverage to drive cars legally on road. Accordingly, each state prescribes minimum liability insurance for third party bodily injury and property damages which resident drivers must carry when they drive vehicles. Michigan State DMV also outlines mandatory basic car liability-only vehicle coverage that drivers need to buy. Failure to comply with law can attract huge penalties and in the worst case, a driver may also face a jail term. And things can be even more financially catastrophic when you drive a car without valid insurance cover in Michigan.

A penalty of $200 to $500 can be levied if you get caught driving a car with no insurance coverage and repeat of such an offense can land you in jail as well. Besides, the main purpose of getting your car insured is to secure financial protection. If you get into an at-fault accident with another car then you may have dish out tens of thousands of dollars from your savings to pay for medical treatments of third party victims that suffer from bodily injuries and/or bear costs for repair and reconstruction of property owned by some other person as a result of an at-fault accident with your uninsured car.

Considering these financial risks, it is better that 7 days auto insurance covers are no longer available as non-renewal of such very short term policies can lead to lapse in car coverage thereby reflecting the demerit on your driving record for a long time. Remember, discontinuity of coverage can also lead to your being tagged as a “high risk” driver and so, auto insurance rates will increase substantially in future.

How To Find The Best Cheap 7 Day Auto Insurance Michigan Online?

Finding an affordable car insurance quote in Michigan can be much easier if you use the fast online processes to your advantage. Shopping and comparing free quotes provided by several car insurance companies can be a harrowing task if you go about the process physically. Nevertheless, when you have experts to guide you in navigating through the process with ease, the overall rigors of the multiple quotes comparison task get completely eliminated. And you also get enabled to make an informed decision on your auto insurance purchase. We can assist you to fix free consultation with a competent local independent agent online to get started. Just contact us online today!

Even our online comparison tool is designed to help you in getting and comparing the best as well as the cheapest short-term and 6 monthly or yearly vehicle insurance quotes within a span of minutes. To receive the cheapest free quote estimates with sufficient levels of coverage for Michigan drivers, all you need to do is enter your state’s zip code and complete a quick online quotes request form. Your application will be directed to top insurers within our network and you can even compare our proposals with those of others. Find out how much you can save on your Michigan auto insurance quote now!

Over the years, our specialist online car insurance services have earned us the reputation for being the best in business. Tens of hundreds of drivers all over the United States have benefitted with our expert assistance till date. You too can be one of them!

Here Is A List Of Important FAQS
No. You can no longer purchase 7 day auto insurance in Michigan as such policies have been outlawed. But you can buy short term cheap car coverage for 6 months with a favourable monthly premium payment plan. Besides, you may also have the option to get pay-per-mile insurance or black box auto insurance policy if you are going to drive fewer miles during the year.
The best place to research your low cost options on short term car coverage is the internet. Online processes are fast and online comparison tools may enable you to compare multiple free proposals within few minutes. And to make your shopping task simple, easy and hassle-free specialist help is also easily accessible online.
The main advantages offered by short term car coverage are: 1. Driver can get temporary financial protection <br> 2. Coverage can be renewed at the end of its term <br> 3. The cost of insurance turns out to be cheaper than a regular policy<br>4. With temporary insurance, driver also gets some time to finalize the right type of annual car insurance cover.
About the Author

Alex Huber is a content writer for Atoz Insurances and he is a very experienced and well-rounded freelance content writer who specializes in the insurance and finance niches. His writing is engaging and informative, and he has a strong understanding of the industries he writes about.

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